Download [PORTABLE] Free Ttf To Sfp Converter
Download Free Ttf To Sfp Converter
Open the photofont in our free FontLab Pad app, type any text and copy-paste PNG, PDF or SVG into any app. Or use TransType 4 or FontLab 7 to convert the photofont into a Color OpenType font and use it in Adobe CC apps and Apple macOS apps.
To create Color OpenType fonts, export the font as Photofont PHF, then open the PHF file in TransType or FontLab VI, and export a Color OpenType font in the SVG, sbix or CBDT flavor. Finally, use the Color OpenType font in Adobe CC apps, web browsers or in our free FontLab Pad app!
Discover your creativity! Create fonts from photos, images of any kind. Break free from the traditional black-and-white lettering and make fonts from real calligraphic brush strokes, everyday objects, scanned historical documents or felt-pen doodles.
Drawing tools: Pencil, Eraser, Brush, Text tool, Line, Rectangle and Ellipse tool, Fill, Rotate, Marquee selection, freeform selection, magic wand selection. All tools can work in various color modes, from black/white through grayscale and 8-bit palette to 24-bit RGB color with alpha transparency. 1e1e36bf2d